A Mother’s Day in Lambertville: A Sneak Peak

We got to spend Mama’s Day in one of our very favorite antiquing spots, Lambertville, NJ.
We came away with some amazing finds, but right now it is past my bedtime, so I will just leave you with a sneak peak from the Golden Nugget flea market. This fantastic beaded top that fit me perfectly and that I walked away with for 10 smackeroos.
And I took a tiny break from eating all the peeps to eat all the chocolate.
photo 5
And it was good.
Happy Mother’s Day. And Stay tuned…

Dried Flower Dilemma

We all know how much I love dried flowers.
Last week, my MIL brought me the most beautiful bouquet from her garden, and I could not let them go.
So I am in the process of drying them. And they’re looking pretty good. See?
Now the question is, what do I do with these beauties?
I’m leaning towards a special arrangement for this “special arrangement
What do you think?

A new (accidental) favorite.

As I was just trekking from my living room to my kitchen, passing through the dining room for the seventy fifth time since my daughter got home from school, my eye was drawn to my credenza, and to a new (and accidental) piece of decor.

You see, before hosting the Political Fundraiser earlier in the month, I got many bouquets of fresh flowers for around the downstairs. And then two days later I went to Florida. So my flowers died. But in this case, they dried.

And I’m keeping them there. They look perfect in the spot. And they make me love one of my favorite little areas even more.

photo 1-12photo 2-14A happy little accident, indeed.